My Current Favorite Things


Today, I thought it would be fun to share three of my current favorite things!

I hardly ever do a post just about the face behind Mangum Design Co.

Check out three of my current favorite things and then let me know in the comments if any of them are current obsessions for you as well!

Jewel Tones 

My first obsession is the trending jewel tones we are seeing in clothing. I absolutely love emerald green (fun fact – it was one of my wedding colors!) and cranberry red. These colors are so cozy and remind me of winter, Christmas, and all the holiday feels! There’s something so rich and deep about jewel tones that look so beautiful on every skin tone. I feel so fancy without having to put in a lot of effort when I wear anything in jewel tones! 


I’ve been learning so much about how what we think becomes our reality. Working on your mind and how you respond or perceive different things can make the biggest difference in how things turn out. Here are some of the current affirmations I am loving: 

  • I am so grateful for everything I have in my life, especially the little things. 

  • It feels so good to take care of my own needs, and that helps me serve others with joy and gratitude. 

  • This world is a beautiful place, and what I’m doing today is adding to that beauty. 

There are so many ways to use affirmations, but I find telling them to myself in the morning in the shower or even in the mirror (as cheesy as it sounds, it works) really sets my day up for a day of productivity and success in all aspects of my life! 

Soda Shops 

In Billings, Montana we have a soda shop called the Soda Station. These are a big hit in Utah and other places already, but they're a new thing where we live. You know those drive-thru coffee kiosks off of the main road? It’s just like that, but with a soda pick-me-up instead! My current favorite combination is Diet Dr. Pepper with a splash of sugar-free raspberry syrup and a dash of cream. Delicious! Plus, the drinks are super affordable even in the biggest size – just the type of win I need on my hard days sometimes! 

So tell me – what are some of your favorite things right now that you’re loving, and do any of them go along with the three I just shared? Be sure to tell me in the comments below so I can try some new things! 

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