My Word for the Year - Trust


Welcome to the new year!

The feeling of new possibilities and growth is so exciting every year, and I love to choose a word that I can focus on throughout the year.

2021’s word was balance; I struggled to find balance with work, sleep, family, motherhood, church, and friends. It honestly felt like my work was controlling my life without any boundaries. By focusing on trying to find balance, I was able to: 

  • build systems to fine-tune my processes 

  • learn to say “no” and delegate 

  • narrow my offerings down to the ones I love 

  • price my work to match its value 

  • dedicate hours on specific days for work and business activities 

All of these things helped me set boundaries that, in turn, gave me time back for activities and work that I’m passionate about. This year, my word is trust. I trust people easily most of the time and I always want to see the best in everyone. If I take a look in the mirror though, I have a much harder time trusting myself to have the courage to take risks and trust that they will work out. I stepped out of my comfort zone a lot last year, and this year I need to take another step further into the discomfort. As they say, there is no growth in the comfort zone! 

This year, I will focus on trusting more in 3 areas: 

Following Gut Instincts 

  • I will feel confident in new ideas and give them a fair chance to succeed. 

  • I will act on ideas I had last year for collaborations and networking. 

  • I won’t rely on a full-time job outside of this business anymore.  

  • I will listen to my body’s needs (health, sleep, mental health day, hobbies, relaxation, personal time, etc.)

  • I will continue to grow away from the “scarcity” mindset. 

Going for What I Believe In 

  • I will only take work that aligns with my mission and vision for the Mangum Design Co. Brand. 

  • I will keep God as a daily central focus with my work by asking for guidance, trusting promptings and inspiration, and focusing on blessing His children through my God-given talents. 

  • I will build more connections in my community where I can help serve and lift those around me. 

Enlarging My Circle 

  • I will continue to outsource the business tasks that are essential but can be done by other capable team members.  

  • I can relieve the pressure on me and my time by trusting other talented people to support me in this business. 

  • I will see what tasks can be automated to save time and effort for my passions. 

Having a purpose for the new year is essential for creating the life you want to live. Many choose to set specific goals to help grow in areas in which they feel pulled, but I find for myself that focusing on one word and seeing what needs my focus at that time has been the most beneficial to me. I still have more to do to achieve better “balance”, but I made real strides last year to achieve that last year. I can't wait to see how my business, my family, and I have grown at the end of this next year by focusing on trust in these three broader areas! Do you have a word for the year that you want to focus on?  

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