Three Ways to Take Your Branding to the Next Level


Today, I'm here to help you evaluate your branding to see how you can take it to the next level!

Think of this as a mini audit for your brand.

Let's take a look at these three key items to see if your brand is as professional and effective as possible:

Is your Logo Pixelated or Crystal-Clear, and How Does It Look on Various Backgrounds? 

Pixelated images are a big no-no when it comes to branding. Simply put, it appears unprofessional and shows a lack of attention to detail. You aren’t a rookie, so let’s not let your logo make you look like one!  

It's also important for your logo to be legible on a variety of backgrounds. Does your logo have a white background, or is it transparent and allows for the background to show up? Have you ever seen a product, graphic, or packaging with a logo on it where there’s a white box behind it? It can look silly. It's also important to have different color variations of your logo. By having your logo in different colored versions (white, black, and colored), you give yourself options to use it across various backgrounds while still looking professional. Take a look at your current logo and see if you have clearly defined details and various color options! 

Do You Have Alternate Logos? 

There’s no one-size-fits-all magical logo that looks great in every application. Tall logos will look tiny on a narrow website banner. Really wide logos don’t print well on business cards. These are just two examples to demonstrate that different variations of your main logo allows you to choose the best fitting logo for each scenario!  

Alternate logos take the recognizable elements of your main logo and fonts and arrange them in different orientations to give you options while maintaining the recognizability of your original logo. For example, perhaps your logo is rectangular with lots of detail. Alternate logos might include a simple logo mark, a square or circular condensed version, a shorter version, and perhaps a tall and skinny version. Logo flexibility is an essential key to maintaining a consistent quality of your brand appearance.  

Do You have a Set of Fonts You Use Consistently? 

Do you have an established set of fonts you use within your brand? What fonts do you use for titles, subtitles, body text, captions, and accents? If you’re using the same fonts every time, you'll build consistency and recognition. Using the same fonts consistently across the board on your website, graphics, printed materials, and more will build that brand recognition. It’s important to have two to three fonts for your brand that are also used to create visual heirarchy of information for maximum legibility. 

So, how did your brand do? If any of the above are areas you’d like to improve, lets chat in a free consultation! Clear branding will focus on all three of these areas and so much more, and I'd love to help your brand bring a sense of professionalism to your business! 

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