5 Ways to Get Creatively Inspired


Let’s talk about creativity; many people think creativity is something you either have or you don’t, but creativity is actually much like a car!

Cars can run for a long time but they always need fuel to keep going, and that fuel can run low.

Creativity works the same way with periods of high creativity and times when you’ll need some fuel to give those creative juices a boost. Today I’m sharing my five favorite ways to get creatively inspired and refueled! 


Journaling isn’t just for those who like to record their days for future posterity to enjoy, in fact journaling can be an effective tool for creatives! Start by getting your deep thoughts and feelings out of your mind and onto paper to start processing your emotions and problem solve. Most likely, you will find that those emotions spark creativity in the most unlikely ways, and you can look back later and remember where your ideas started compared to the final results. Having a brain full of thoughts can be like a clogged drain. Sometimes we need to do a brain dump and get all our thoughts and feelings out on paper so that there's room for the creativity to stretch out and grow. 

Creative Groups 

In the creative community, I hear so many creators who promote community over competition, which I love. By joining a creative group – whether it’s over dinner, a brainstorming session, critiques, or another inspiring get-together – you can gain insights into new ideas, solutions for problems, and grow friendships with other creatives that could turn into future collaborations for both of you! Plus, a set of fresh eyes from someone who isn’t emotionally invested in your creations is always beneficial.  

This doesn't have to be a group of people in your same industry. Most of my close biz besties are photographers and bakers. We all have that creative business mindset but each have our own expertise and experiences that we can share with each other for new perspective and ideas. 


Have you ever felt physically stifled by a lack of creativity or even just the space in which you’re attempting to work? A breath of fresh air works wonders! Nature and the beauty of the earth will help clear those mental cobwebs and bring in light which will lead to new inspiration. You’ll return to your work feeling refreshed, re-energized, and ready to take another stab at finding solutions! 

Mundane Tasks 

Studies show that mindless tasks that don’t require a lot of thinking actually allow your brain to freely explore other avenues of thought. Kill two birds with one stone by tackling that pile of clean laundry, the sink of dishes, or even vacuuming to accomplish your to-do list while your mind goes on the hunt for fresh ideas! 

Rather than spinning mental circles on trying to find creativity, give yourself a mental boost by accomplishing something non-creativity related. This gives you that little dopamine hit from completing a task and can be just the thing to get you creatively-energized again. 


So much creativity and emotion exists within music, so no wonder it can be the gateway to a creative refresh! Take some time to just sit and listen to a variety of songs and listen to how your emotions react to different songs. Your brain will enjoy the mental break, and you’ll get a boost of energy and excitement to drive you forward again! Who knows, maybe a song will even inspire a solution to a problem you’re trying to solve. 

Bonus Idea: An Ideas Note 

Have you ever been out and about or doing another tasks when you’re suddenly hit with an idea? Start a note in your phone to get that idea down before it’s gone! It’s so easy to do, most of us literally have our phones on us 24/7. I have a few running lists: reels ideas, blog post topics, and even fake brand names that I want to make passion projects about later! Then, when you’re stuck you have a place you can look for new ideas to pursue! 

What are some other ways you get inspired? Share them in the comments below so we can give them a go, and then go explore our other blog posts here

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