How to Set Boundaries for Your Holiday Sanity


How to enjoy the holiday season, while still supporting your business goals!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, or the most stressful!

The holiday months are filled with so much love and family time, but they can be very stressful months for the small business owner. Here are my top three tips to help you enjoy the holiday season while still serving in your business to meet your goals:

Cap Your Services 

Starting around October, most customers start thinking about Christmas gifts, and your products would make the perfect gifts for some of their loved ones! To keep you sane in the hustle and bustle, I recommend limiting the amount of work you’ll take on. This could be done by limiting the number of holiday orders you’ll accept, only taking on X number of clients, or having exclusive availability for a specific service.  

The trick with this tip is to allow openings for what you need and want to take on, and then be clear and consistent when saying no after that. Let your customers know early what your availability will be this year so they can jump onto your schedule well in advance! This suggestion will help you get enough sleep while serving your limited clients even better. 

Take Time Off 

Schedule your personal holiday plans into your business calendar. Holiday parties, trips, family time, or some good ‘ol vegging-in-front-of-Netflix-with-a-pizza time – these occasions and breaks are so vital to your sanity! By planning them into your business calendar, you’ll ensure you don’t overbook yourself and that you’re still taking the necessary time to be there for yourself and your family. 

Now’s the Time to Simplify 

Take a look at your business’ services and products: are there any you don’t love or that aren’t big money producers for your business? This could be a sign it’s time to pare down your services and remove what isn’t working for you!  

By simplifying your offerings, you’ll be focusing on more of what brings you joy this holiday season. You’ll also avoid burnout from offering too many things and spreading yourself thin, and as we know, nothing stays thin during the holidays!  

These three tips might seem super simple, but I promise they have a big impact on the next three months! If you keep prioritizing your personal needs first, it’ll be so much easier to serve your clients to the best of your capabilities. No one wins when you’re stressed and burned out. The holidays are meant to be special and memorable times of the year, so plan ahead so you make memories with the people you love the most! 

And if you are looking for the perfect gift for any occasion this holiday season, don’t sleep on our custom illustrations – we ourselves will be offering limited illustration spots for the rest of the year! 

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