Custom Illustration Portrait | Julian's Baptism


This baptism guest book for Julian was so much fun to create!

Julian turned eight and was baptized as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on August 21 in sunny Arizona.

A couple of years ago his brother Emmitt was also baptized, and we made him his own baptism guest book! Now it’s Julian’s turn to take this important step, and I was excited to make him his guest book as well.

Julian’s mom, Emily, wanted to use the same classic layout as Emmitt’s illustration: name, baptism date, and the phrase “I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; simple but elegant, and perfect for a guest book! 

The subtle details in Julian’s hair and the different variants of shading added life to this two-dimensional illustration. I'm grateful Emily trusted me with this illustration for another special boy in their family for his special day! 

Is there a special day coming up in your life or in the life of a loved one? Check out our custom illustration options to see how we can make your illustration dreams come true! 

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