Custom Illustration Portrait | Chad Illustration


Dog might be man’s best friend, but in this case Chad is Caitlyn’s best friend!

Caitlyn along with Chad and her husband Jacob did a photoshoot when they knew Chad wasn’t going to live much longer.

My good friends over at Biddle Photo and Film took the pictures just before Chad passed.  

Caitlyn’s friend Alyssa on the Biddle team wanted to give something special to her, so we collaborated and made an illustration from one of their photoshoot images. Fun fact, I actually removed a detail in this illustration! I removed Jacob’s mustache, but there were still plenty of details that added a lot of fun. Between the colors, the fur texture, her denim, and their hair, this was such a special treasure for Caitlyn’s best furry friend!  

These custom illustrations make amazing mementos to remember those loved ones, whether they have two legs or four. Be sure to explore past illustrations over on the illustrations blog, and see what creation you can imagine with a custom illustration

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