Banishing Creative Block


No matter what industry you are in, your business or hobby most likely requires some sort of creative thinking.

But what happens when you get blocked creatively?

Creative block gets the best of all of us at some point or another – here are my top five tips to overcome your creative block and get back to creating! 

1) Sleep 

A good nap could be just the refresh that's needed. Slow down, clear your mind of the cobwebs, and reenergize your mind and body to come back fully charged to hit the creative pavement running! Remember, the best way to serve your creativity and your clients is to take the best care of yourself possible, and that starts with sleep. 

2) Step Away 

Whether it’s for one hour, half a day, or a whole weekend, take whatever time you need to get some air and return with a fresh set of eyes. Take a break to have fun with a friend, tidy up a cluttered work space, or take care of another non-creative task to clear your mind of distractions. Switching how you're using your brain power, from creating to problem solving, gives that part of your brain a much-needed break! 

3) Do Something Different 

Leave your house or office, try a new restaurant, get together with some friends or your partner, the possibilities are endless. Do something completely different to take your mind off of the creative tasks and get those wheels turning in a new way. 

4) Explore Other Industries 

Comparison can bottle our creativity and make us feel stuck and in a cycle of imposter syndrome. Try looking outside of your creative field and look at other industry creatives such as photographers, bakers, florists, or graphic designers for inspiration. Other creatives can bring new ideas and insight that you won't find as readily by looking at your direct competitors. It’s a great way to find unique ideas and stand out from your competition as well! 

5) Try a New Location 

You know how eating at a restaurant just tastes and feels better, compared to eating at home sometimes? Sometimes our creativity needs that change of scenery too. Instead of spending all your time in your home or office, head to your local coffee shop, take a spot in your yard on a blanket, visit a friend’s house, etc. Wherever you go, just make sure it’s somewhere you can mentally feel refreshed.  

Did we miss anything? Share your ideas for overcoming creativity blockers in the comments below! And be sure to check out what we’ve been creating over here at Mangum Design Co. 

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