Your Logo Is Not Your Brand


Learn why your logo is important, but also how it’s a piece of the bigger branding puzzle.

In the business world, it’s so important to recognize and be strategic in how you portray your business and your brand. 

Today we are busting a common assumption in the business world about your logo - your logo is not your brand! It is simply one small piece of a bigger puzzle. Your brand is the entire experience people have when interacting with your business in any way; it’s you and your team, location, communication, tone of voice, products, messaging, and unique characteristics along with the logo and visual elements of your brand. 

Think of it this way, your logo is like a thumbprint – a physical identifying factor for your business. Just like you, your thumbprint is just a small part of what makes you, well, you. Your own personal identification goes beyond your fingerprint - you have unique quirks, talents, interests, physical attributes, personal preferences, and so much more. People don’t need to see your thumb to know who they’re talking to and to build a relationship with you. 

Now that we’ve addressed that common assumption and where your logo REALLY falls into the branding puzzle, ask yourself, “Could I remove my logo from the product/website/social media and still be recognizable as my brand?” If the answer is no, then let’s talk about the core strategy to your branding and get you to where you could say, “Yes!” 

Your brand should be built around your “why”, your purpose, and what you offer to the world, not just a pretty logo. Clients connect with heart, and branding is where heart meets your business for the world to see, aka your “special sauce”. When we work together to create your branding, we focus on the heart and soul of your business first and then build visual branding around that. Keeping the heart of the business in the center of everything creates consistency and strengthens your brand! If this sounds exciting and interesting to you, let’s dive deeper into the heart of your business together. For additional branding tips and more, I invite you to visit our Branding Blog . 

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