What Is a Mood Board?


Learn about the tool I use when starting every single brand design project!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret...I love Pinterest.

Okay, maybe that's not a surprise, but for reals. There’s just something about putting your ideas in one place visually that really helps you get a feel for a project or dream. I take that same principle and apply it to all of my branding projects! Let me walk you through why I love creating mood boards for each branding client when I start my projects. 

First off, what is a mood board? This is a visual tool used to create a mood for the business that communicates visually the experience and style a client wants to convey in their brand. We accomplish this by using images, textures, branding elements, colors, etc. and bringing them into one place. Utilizing a mood board allows us to make sure the style is cohesive and the overall feeling of the brand is what the client is wanting. 

So, how does a mood board help the design process? 

  • It allows us to build a story and style before diving into the design work. 

  • Visions can be hard to put into words – mood boards let us put that vision into visual form. 

  • Both the designer and the client can make sure they’re aligned on the same vision for the business when it’s in visual form, rather than just trying to describe what the client wants. 

Overall, a mood board sets the tone for the entire design process to make sure everything goes smoothly from start to finish. The overall goal and focus for the brand are made very clear from the get-go so the client feels not just heard but understood, which builds trust between the client and designer for more open conversation. Along the design process, we come back to this mood board continually to ensure the progress is matching the desired final vibes. Who knew that Pinterest was for more than just great recipes and DIY inspiration?! 

For more tips and insight into brand design for your business, check out our Branding Blog

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