Custom Illustration Portrait | Shirley Family


Today's illustration feature was a holiday request for Laura's parents!

Laura wanted to create a big family portrait with tons of different pictures but couldn’t get them for everyone.

Plan B – we pulled this historic family photo from 1964!

We had to use color study technology to transform this black and white photo that had been digitally altered and determine what colors the family members might have been wearing in the picture. This was a first for me, and it was so cool to see the picture transform to color!

It's always difficult to choose favorite pieces of each project because I love it all, but my favorite, but my favorite details on this project were the curly hair and all of the different textures in the shadows and clothing folds. I love how an illustration can become a timeless art piece in any home from pictures new and old.

Do you want your own timeless custom illustration to celebrate your own family? Let’s talk about what you’re envisioning, or check out the illustration products we have available in the shop!

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