Introducing...the Brand Discovery Call


Learn all about the newest branding service from Mangum Design Co.

I say that I’m a branding and strategy expert, but what does that really mean?

Sure, I do the logo thing, but it’s all based around strategy. I also study the psychology of color, create a certain style and feeling through visual elements, and I dive into your ideal client’s mind to find what they’re attracted to. Sounds impactful, right? Indeed, it is!  

However, before we start designing your dream brand, it’s important to know the heart and soul of your business. It’s time to dig deep, think critically, and connect with that ideal client! This is where the Brand Discovery Call comes into play; every single Mangum Design Co. branding client goes through this exact strategy process, whether they’re designing a completely new brand or simply want to refine their marketing focuses. 

So, what is the Brand Discovery Call process? I’m so glad you asked! The call consists of a 90-minute one-on-one discussion with me after you complete our exclusive Brand Discovery Workbook. This workbook gets your ideas, mission, and values on paper, but we also give a name and concrete details to your ideal client! Knowing what makes your ideal client tick helps you connect on a deeper, more emotional level, which directly translates to sales. 

Once we’ve reviewed your workbook answers, I’ll challenge you to dig deeper and make discoveries about your business, dreams, and clientele. With whatever time is leftover, I’m an open book and I’ll answer any questions you have; this is the time to pick my brain – anything from strategy to client interaction, processes, outsourcing, you name it! I can personally guarantee you’ll leave those 90 minutes with not only a strong strategy, but also so many ideas for content and connecting with your dream clients! 

Does this sound like something you and your business need? Head on over to the Brand Discovery Call page for more details and to get started! 

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