Brand Discovery Call | Katie Davis Beauty


See what Katie Davis has to say about our brand new branding service!

Last week we rolled out our newest branding service to you – the Brand Discovery Call! 

Logos, colors, fonts, etc., are all pieces of a brand, but more importantly you have to have a clear understanding how to talk to your ideal client! That’s what this call is here for. Today, I’d like to share the thoughts of someone who has done a Brand Discovery Call and what her experience was like.  

Katie Davis – the beauty mastermind behind the Instagram account Katie Davis Beauty – wanted to take a fresh look at her growing brand so she could be inspired in new ways and find a clear direction on strategies to refine and improve her content to really speak to her ideal clients. Let’s take a look at what she had to say about her experience with Mangum Design Co.! 

What were you hoping to gain from the Brand Discovery Call service? 

Katie: I wanted help really solidifying my target audience and getting ideas for how I can speak directly to them. 

Were you surprised by anything in the process? 

Katie: How quickly Emma understood me, my business, and my goals! I truly felt heard and supported. 

What was your favorite thing/lesson/idea you took away from the experience? 

Katie: I was really worried that I had been too salesy and that my approach needed to be dialed back.  

Has there been any takeaway from the experience that you feel has really impacted your business? 

Katie: Learning how to get into the mindset of my ideal client has made all the difference! I have a lot more confidence creating content that will be valuable because of it. 

What would you say to someone considering investing in the Brand Discovery Call? 

Katie: Taking the time to really work through the workbook will help you so much! Do the work and you’ll definitely be rewarded with so many golden nuggets in your Brand Discovery Call with Emma as you go through your answers. Her service has been worth every penny. 

If you could leave a review about your entire experience, the products, etc. what would your review say? 

Katie: If you can only start with one thing for your business, start with this service! You’ll be amazed how the wheels will start turning and you’ll be inspired in what you need for your business. Working with Emma was a great experience from start to finish, and I’d recommend her to any business! 

As you can tell, Katie agrees that a Brand Discovery Call is a great way to get fresh ideas, feedback, and support with your marketing efforts, no matter how large or small your business is. When money is tight, this branding experience is the perfect place to get you started on the right foot!  

To learn more about the Brand Discovery Calls, check out this blog post! And for more business tips and resources, explore the other blog posts we have specifically for small businesses.  

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