Custom Illustration Portrait | Savannah & Rhett


My sister Katie requested a custom illustration for a wedding gift.

Her husband is friends with Savannah’s family, so they teamed up to give a group gift including this custom illustration!

Savannah and Rhett had some necessities on their wedding registry, so they wanted to add the illustration so the wedding gift was both functional and sentimental!  

Katie sent a few of the couple’s favorite engagement photos because it was too hard to decide on just one. From there, I recommended which one I thought would translate into my illustration style the best. The final photo has closeup details I’m absolutely obsessed with: her ring, the texture of his shirt, the subtle details in their hair. I also love the addition of text to add the special information from their wedding day. 

I love a good set of new towels as much as the next gal, but custom illustrations are a gift that will be treasured forever! Savannah even said, “We look at this picture all day. I swear, it is so perfect!” If you’re looking for the perfect wedding gift, look no further than a custom illustration! Pair it with a set of dishes and you have the perfect wedding gift.  

If you're ready to order an illustration for a friend or loved one, let’s get started! To see more recent illustration projects, click here to get inspired. 

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