Client Consultation Calls


In every business, the fact is that one small change can make a world of difference!

Last year, I made one change that resulted in 100% booking success for branding clients!

Want to know what I did? I started doing a Zoom consultation.  

Okay, that’s great Emma, but why is that a big deal? Well thank you for asking! I’m a mega introvert and I always feel salesy and uncomfortable talking to strangers about my business.

But with this Zoom consultation call, I get the chance to learn more about potential clients, their businesses, and what makes them tick! Now I'm not pitching or being salesy, I get the chance to really connect to other small businesses and see how I can help them reach their goals! 

So what does this consultation call experience look like?  

1) First, inquiries on my website are submitted from potential clients interested in utilizing my branding services. 

2) Then it’s time to schedule a consultation call. I send them a digital brochure walking them through the process, what makes Mangum Design Co. different, the various packages we offer, and more. Doing this gives them the opportunity to review the information and option so we can have a very informed conversation that is based around their exact needs. 

3) Third, we finally do the consultation call! Here we go more in depth about their business, their needs, and answer questions while we walk through our branding options to see what will be the best fit for their needs. If they decide to move forward, we select their branding package. The best part about sending the pricing brochure beforehand is there are no surprises when it comes to the cost! Consultation calls happen with clients who are able to work our services into their business finances. 

4) Finally, we follow up with a contract and lock in their service dates with a deposit. There are no loose ends, everyone knows what the next steps are, and the clients can be confident knowing what will happen next in this process together! 

So, why is this call important to my booking success? It allows me to build a personal connection, put a face with the business, and built trust. I’m able to show genuine interest that you can’t replicate through an email chain! Clients are satisfied that all of their questions are getting answered, their needs are heard, and they can be confident in the process.  

These strong personal connections help the process move forward quickly, and the design process is actually easier since I know the person I’m designing for! It’s much easier to draw on the heart of the business when I've gotten to know the entrepreneur behind the business name. 

For more business tips, check out our business section of the blog! And now I’m curious, what change have you made in your business that has helped the most in creating growth and change so far? 

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