5 Ways to Uplevel Your Business This Next Year


These 5 things have helped us uplevel our brand, and they can help you too!

2020 has been one whirlwind of a year for everyone, but here at Mangum Design Co. it’s also been a year of upleveling.

Reaching new levels of growth and success we haven’t seen yet! Here are five things I did to push the business to new levels of growth this year: 

#1: Niche Down 

While I consider all of my products my “babies” and I don’t like to pick favorites, this year I decided to pare down my offerings in order to focus more passionately on my truly custom and unique services. We’ve also narrowed down our wedding products and created branding packages to clarify what we do best. With each of those products and services, we have worked to simplify the ordering process to make it easier for you to get exactly what you want. With fewer products and a streamlined process, my vision for Mangum Design Co. is clearer than ever. It’s easier to market what makes this business unique because I can focus on items in greater detail.  

As you look at your business this next year, start with the products or services you currently offer. Are there any that you aren’t passionate about or that have a complex ordering process? Consider paring down your offerings to the items you are truly passionate about, and that passion will shine through to attract your ideal clients!

#2: Evaluate Pricing 

Part of 2020 was being confident enough to charge what my work and time are actually worth! By taking that into consideration, I feel more free to spend even more time on each project and add extra special touches. This also allows me to outsource business tasks that I'm not quite as passionate about so I can instead dedicate my time to design and interacting with my clients. I was worried that increasing my prices would make it harder to get orders, but that isn’t the case! I have still attracted clients, but more specifically the clients that see the value in my creations.

When you start to charge what your services are worth, you show that your time and efforts are quality and valuable. It’s like going to Walmart versus Nike for tennis shoes - you may be able to get shoes for a lower price but the quality is significantly lower, and that’s what you expect when you go to shop at Walmart. Your prices are one factor that influence the quality that people expect from the work you do, so if you want to provide a luxury, high-end experience, for example, your pricing should reflect that as well. This next year, take a look at your pricing and determine if you are charging what your work is worth!

#3: Invest in Quality Equipment 

You can have all the talent in the world, but at some point, you’ll need better tools to take those skills to the next level. That was the case this year with my illustration equipment! Last year I used my laptop for all of the illustrations, but this year I upgraded to a new-to-me iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil. Let me tell you, that was one of the best things I did for my business this year! Not only have the new tools cut down on my illustration time by 75%, but they also allow me to add extra details and touches I simply couldn’t accomplish on a computer. Now I can take my work with me on the go!

Having tools designed specifically for illustrating has allowed me to take on more projects and spend less time on each one, while offering a far superior final product. My iPad isn’t brand new, or even a recent edition, but it allows me to create by hand in ways I couldn’t before. It just goes to show that your tools don’t have to be the newest to be effective in improving your business.  

#4: Get Professional Photos 

I wanted to show my face more on social media and make a more personal connection with my followers this year, so I worked on building connections with local photographers. I got to know Billings photographers and created networking opportunities where we could use each other's services! We would trade photoshoots with design work, which allows me to get great images for the cost of my time instead of dollars and cents.

Getting professional and beautiful branding photos for your website or social media accounts doesn’t have to be expensive; are there photographers in your area that would be interested in a services trade or even a discounted session in exchange for what you have to offer? Get to know your fellow small business friends and share the love! 

#5: Start Blogging 

2020 was the year I stopped talking about starting a blog, and instead went out and did it! I wanted to start blogging my past projects to share the stories that inspired them, the experiences of the clients, and reviews.  The blog also allows me to share expertise and tips that aren’t quite fitting for my social media accounts.  

Not only are the blog post topics important, but the impact on my ranking on Google is improved, too! Social media posts have a short viewing life, but blog posts can be found and referenced for years. Blogging doesn’t have to be an intimidating task – my blog has just two or three posts a month – but adding content to a blog frequently, however often you choose, is better than not posting at all! New content shows Google that your website is live and active and relevant. Your content can also be shared on Pinterest to be used for online marketing. Blogging content is the resource that keeps on giving for years to come. Have you been wanting to start a blog but don’t know where to start? Just start with sharing what you know or projects from the past to build a portfolio, or consider outsourcing your blogging needs to a blogging specialist!

2020 was a huge year in many ways! I’m so excited to see what 2021 has in store for Mangum Design Co. and for you, my fellow small business owner. I hope these five things I’ve done will inspire you to determine the changes you may want to make within your small business in 2021! 

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