3 Tips for Avoiding End-of-Year Burnout


End your year with energy and enthusiasm!

Hey, you! Yes, you.

Way to work in and on your business all year long! It takes hard work and lots of effort and time, so you should feel proud of you and your successes this year. Now that we’ve reached the last three months of the year, the best thing you can do to thank yourself for all of your hard work is to take care of yourself to avoid that common end-of-year burnout.  

These next three months are filled with holidays, traveling, parties, and lots of opportunities to make memories with friends and loved ones. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and exhausted by December 31st, so check out these three tips to help you enjoy the holiday season more and end the year on the same high note that you started the year. 

Plan Ahead 

Your social, personal, and work calendars are going to fill up very quickly, so planning ahead will be crucial! Set a date to close your holiday orders to ensure you have plenty of time to complete them while also enjoying time and holidays with your family. Setting healthy boundaries allows you to keep your health and sanity as top priorities. For more ideas on how to set boundaries for your holiday sanity, check out this recent blog post


When you’re well rested, everything just seems to go better and run smoothly. You’ve got more energy, you’re more alert, and you start the day refreshed and ready to go. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get overwhelmed when you don’t have enough energy to work through your challenges? Those long to-do lists and any speed bumps that come your way throughout the day are much easier to tackle with a good night’s rest! Pro tip: I personally love a good power nap to get me through the day if I feel my energy dragging.  

Ask for Help & Let Go 

On your to-do list, do you have any tasks listed that aren’t necessary but are stressing you out nonetheless? Shove them to the back burner! They’ll still be there after you’ve had a chance to knock off your essential tasks first.  

Are there tasks that need to get done, but you know that someone else can do them much more quickly and efficiently? This is when it’s time to set aside your pride and let the expert help take the load off. For example, do you have a friend who is quick and experienced at knocking out blog posts? Let them create the content for you so you can focus on your passions and the tasks that truly only you can do!  

The same concept applies to non-business tasks, too; if the laundry is piling up, if your kids are in need of a trip to the park or a bath, or if you just need to give the bathroom a little TLC – all of these tasks can easily be done by a partner or a friend! And if all else fails, there’s guaranteed to be someone who can do the job for you while they earn a little money. Hand off what you need to so you can prioritize the biggest to-dos in your business or life. 

I'm recommending these three tips because I have personally done each one and seen positive results in my life because of them! I truly hope that they can help you as they’ve helped me. Are you looking for more business owner tips? I have an entire section of blog posts just for you! 

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