Brand Refresh | Bluebird Sweets


Check out this completed branding project for Bluebird Sweets in Billings, Montana!

I met Andrea when I got the best message on Instagram: “Hey lady, apparently you’re someone I need to meet!”

I had seen Andrea’s gorgeous bakes long before we connected, and our mutual friend Ashley couldn’t stop raving about her and her talents! Andrea makes custom wedding cakes and other fanciful creations for special occasions – birthdays, graduations, baby showers, you name it. Andrea came to me looking for help with her branding and logo design because she had focused on building her skillset but hadn't focused much on branding other than a logo.

Our first focus was to tackle the strategy we wanted to integrate into Andrea’s future designs. By determining the key values and the experience she wanted to provide, we were able to narrow down our creative ideas to something that felt whimsical, elegant, lively, and out-of-the-box both in atmosphere and in style. Now that we had honed in on the overall feel, we created a mood board to mix the bright, energetic style with a sophisticated look.

I could talk all day about the gorgeous fonts, fun colors and energetic details, but wouldn't you rather hear Andrea’s thoughts from her experience? Let's see what she had to say! 

Emma: How did you know you wanted to work with us for rebranding your business?  

Andrea: I had heard many positive things from your former clients. Due to our rapid growth over the past year, we decided to make the leap and rebrand to elevate the look of the business, as we wanted to attract a more affluent clientele. 

Emma: What struggles had you had in the past with branding your business?  

Andrea: People had on multiple occasions mentioned the readability of our logo being difficult. I blew it off at first, but the more I paid attention to client interaction, the more I noticed people having trouble reading my business cards, branded clothing/aprons and signage at shows. 

Emma: What did you learn about your brand that you didn't know or realize before rebranding? 

Andrea: That it didn't have to "explain" what we did. It didn't need to have a cupcake or an icing bag to "get the point across".  That branding was more than just a logo, that included the overarching feel of what we wanted the bakery to portray. 

Emma: Was there anything that surprised you throughout the rebranding process?  

Andrea: The whole thing was a surprise, I really had no idea what to expect. I had always just had an artsy friend doodle a design for me, so it was all new. 

Emma: What elements of your branding are your favorite and why?  

Andrea: The color choices were my favorites after the "quiz" Emma gave. It had me slow down and assess what I wanted the bakery to "feel like" instead of just colors that were my favorite (but maybe clashed) or that were trendy that year (but may not be next).

It was surprisingly difficult, because I loved several of the palettes she presented. Some were very soothing which was my personal aesthetic, but the bakery (although high end) has always had a whimsical vibe. So, I ultimately picked a color palette that had a few pops of color so that it maintained the high end, yet playful vibe. NO Bridezillas allowed!  

Emma: If someone were to ask you how your experience was working with us for rebranding your business, what would you say?  

Andrea: It was very insightful; Emma was very thorough in answering questions, responsive to feedback and very professional. It was especially helpful when she presented concept art on a variety of media (on a printed card, on a website, on the side of a building, on a shop window) It let me get a real feel of how my logo would look in different settings. 

Emma: What tip(s) do you have for other small businesses that are considering rebranding or getting a brand refresh for their business?  

Andrea: I would say be ready to do the work. It's not simply saying "I need a new logo, and our business colors are navy blue, black and sometimes we throw red in there". It takes a little soul work to really get at the essence of what you want your business to portray to your clientele. If your business has a slow season, opt to do it then so you can really focus as opposed to being distracted. 

As you know, your brand is more than logo – it is the entire experience that helps people feel and understand what you have to offer to the world. It’s how people recognize you and want to come back for more. My goal was to make the perfect blend of elegant and modern with touches of whimsy and energy for Bluebird Sweets. What do you think, did I succeed?  

If you would like to get on my calendar to create your custom business branding together, please reach out at this link! And if you are on the fence about if I am the right fit for your branding needs, don't hesitate to send me a message on social media to get the conversation.