Wedding Fair Tips for Vendors


Welcome to the wonderful world of wedding fairs!

These bridal vendor events are fantastic opportunities to meet engaged couples planning their weddings and to potentially gain clients

Here are my top six tips to make the most out of your vendor experience: 

Choose the Right Wedding Fair for You 

 With so many vendor events every year with booth fees ranging from free to hundreds or thousands of dollars, it’s important to do your research to see which one(s) will be a good fit for your business. Each one has its own set of perks and benefits, and they all market in different ways as well. I recommend looking for events with an email list you’ll receive afterwards as well as one that markets in multiple avenues to produce a productive turnout. Also take a look at the booth fees and which ones are in your range to help narrow things down. 

Keep It Simple 

Having a booth that is overcrowded with items or decorations will result in a chaotic experience for the happy couples. Show off the products and past projects that you are most proud of and share the pertinent and best features with those when speaking with interested couples. Having too much info to share in a short time is stressful for you and for them to listen to. Include more details in brochures that you can give to couples that they can take home to explore your offerings even more!  

And don’t forget that whatever you want for your display, you’ll have to set up, take down, and transport it all too. Determine the level of complexity you want to tackle when planning your booth! 

Have Confidence 

You're great at what you do, and the services and products you provide are valuable! Own it, be optimistic and excited to share what you offer in a welcoming and inviting way.  Couples are more excited to learn more when they find you friendly and warm. You’re the expert and can answer any questions they have for you. 

Provide Incentive to Grow Your Marketing 

Wedding fairs are the perfect places to grow your marketing efforts with potential clients! You literally have your ideal clients coming TO you. Giveaways, discounts, samples, prizes, and more are all ideas to give your potential customers something they won’t have access to outside of the fair. Use these incentives to grow your following on social media or email list for future contact. I don't do giveaways very often in my business, but I always do one for the brides that come to the fair and meet me! 

Give Something to Take Home 

Whether it’s a brochure, business card, or flyer, create something for interested couples to take home and connect with after the fair has ended. Handouts are the perfect place to add pricing, packages, descriptions, photos, basically whatever information you want to give them so they’ll be excited to explore your offerings more! Just make sure that whatever you’re handing out has information for them to find you on social media, a website, and other contact or booking information so they can connect with you when the fair is over. 

Grow Your Network 

Vendor events are a perfect way to grow your network with people who are looking for your kinds of services, but have you thought about how you’ll also be growing your network with other vendors as well? Vendors have been known to create joint packages to help grow clientele and reach larger audiences by teaming up to create an offering with both of their services.  

It’s also fun to make new friends and build connections where you can support teach other. What better way to grow than to receive referrals from a vendor event friend, and do the same in return? There is always value in growing your network! 

I hope you enjoy your bridal fair experience and have growth in multiple ways for your business and personally. For more business tips, explore our business blog. For other wedding tips, we even have a wedding blog, too!