Three Big Moments of Growth for Mangum Design in 2022


Oh boy, this year went by so quickly!

It was a year full growth personally, in my family, as well as in Mangum Design Co.

There were three big moments of growth for the business this year that I’d love to share with you.  

I left my full-time job as a landscape architect in-training. 

At the end of January, I left my full-time job so I could focus completely on my family and business. Sure, the job provided security, consistent hours, and reliable pay, and I still love landscape architecture, but it wasn’t flexible to accommodate the needs of my family. My business also couldn’t grow in the limited hours I had available at the end of the day. 

I decided to jump all in on the business so I could be more available to my family, spend more time with Carter, and offer better availability for my clients during business hours while taking on more projects. I’ve also been blessed with many opportunities to network with fellow business owners in my community and spread the word about Mangum Design Co., such as One Million Cups, Biz to Biz,  and Millionaire Business Network

I participated in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) 

I have struggled for years with limiting beliefs and the fears ingrained in my unconscious mind, as we all do! NLP helped remove them and instead replaced them with growth-focused beliefs and the freedom to release those fears I’ve held onto for so long! Some of those limiting beliefs and fears were based around losing the values I hold dear to me if this business were to become really successful, relying too much on the opinions on of others rather than my own intuition, and letting my experience as a self-taught designer be a roadblock to success.  

My business wasn’t changed overnight, but my confidence when pitching my business soared, and I am now able to show up freely and naturally when I connect with potential clients and discuss the value of what I offer. I also realized I needed to raise my prices to be more in line with what my time and expertise are worth! 

If you feel that you are the thing that's holding you back from success, whether it's in your business or some other aspect of your life, I highly recommend NLP! 

I reduced my availability for custom illustrations. 

I love my custom illustration clients, but when I took a hard look at the products and services MD offers, I had to ask myself what ones would help the business grow and scale in the future. The illustrations are very time-consuming for a reasonable price, but they aren’t terribly profitable for the business. 

While I have the feeling the illustration services will go away completely down the road, I wasn't ready to go cold turkey just yet! So, I reduced the availability to two times in the year. I still offer custom illustrations around Mother’s Day and Father’s Day as well as Christmastime, but the rest of the year allows me to focus exclusively on my wedding and branding clients to the level I’d like to. I’m looking forward to how this will allow for better future growth for the business! 

From day to day, it really didn’t feel like much had changed, and it was really easy to question my capabilities and the success of the business when I was going through those growth experiences. Looking back on this year, however, I can see how far Mangum Design Co. has come, and I feel confident for next year. I've had the privilege of serving some amazing clients this year and feel extremely blessed for what this year has brought for the business and my family. If you’d like to see more blog posts about the business growth, branding projects, business tips, illustrations, and more, head on over to the blog

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