Signature Couple | Nick + Lizzy


Today’s illustration spotlight is close to my heart because it’s for my friend Lizzy!

Lizzy and I go way back – we met as roommates my sophomore year of college at USU. 

Our very first conversation involved some in-depth analysis about the logistics of raising cows on the moon! One of our first bonding moments was over a fridge full of cream soda and the movie Letters to Juliet. Six years later, we are still such good friends and I get to design a Signature Couple Guest Book for her and her fiancé Nick! With their wedding taking place in just a couple short days, here’s their love story. 

Lizzy’s mom and Nick both worked at the Gossner’s in Logan and she thought Nick was so sweet! She wanted him to meet Lizzy but could never get them together. However, Lizzy and Nick ended up meeting for the first time at a taco truck. At the time, he didn’t know who she was but Nick came up to Lizzy and started up a conversation. Nick asked her to go hiking after Lizzy had asked him out several times over the last seven months. They went back to her place for a movie afterwards, and many hikes and movies (and probably tacos) later, here we are! 

One day, Lizzy got nervous and asked Nick if he was going to marry her or if she was going to go around the world on her own (she describes herself as an extreme scenario person). After going back and forth with her asking and him answering that, yes, he was going to marry her, Lizzy finally asked that same question seriously to which he replied, “Yes, damn it!” Of course, Lizzy still wasn’t convinced, so she called her mom and told her the story, and her mom replied saying it sounded like they were engaged. Lizzy texted Nick to confirm, and she finally believed him when he said they were indeed engaged. On Lizzy’s birthday the next month, they went ring shopping and made it ring-official! 

In Lizzy’s own words: “Nick is a slow guy and normally likes to take his time with big stuff like that, and he keeps telling me that when it comes to being with me, he just gets a peace inside him that calms the doubts, and he just instantly knew he wanted to marry me.” 

Nick and Lizzy did a lot of fun dates together. When the couple went to see his family, they decided to get a puppy. They found their new dog just a few houses down from his parents, bought her on Pioneer Day and named her Karma! 

Best wishes to Nick and Lizzy! I love them both and hope they have a long happy marriage with many more dogs, hikes, and tacos to come. If you have a special someone and are looking for the perfect guest book for your own wedding, you can explore the details for our Signature Couple Guest Books here

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