Custom Illustration Portrait | Sister Olsen


Brooke was called to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania!

However, the existing pandemic has changed the whole missionary experience, including the training process.

Brooke completed her missionary training from home which was a huge challenge! I created this custom illustration of Sister Olsen with her parents from the day she went through the temple for the first time. Her illustration is a beautiful reminder that God is aware of her, loves her, and is proud of her decisions.

When Sister Olsen got her illustration, she reached out to me with her thoughts: 

β€œThe illustration you made could not have come at a more perfect time! I had been studying all day with a major migraine and was feeling so frustrated and down that day. When the illustration arrived, it was the bright spot in my day and made me feel so happy and loved! Definitely a tender mercy for me today. Thank you for creating such a pretty piece for me, I will treasure it my entire mission and after!” 

The goal of all of my illustrations is to help you smile and feel loved or to share your love for the special people in your life in a meaningful way. Do you know someone who could use an extra dose of love? Custom illustrations make the perfect gift!