3 Easy Ways to Make Your Business Look More Professional Online


Easy things to do today to look legit!

Just because you run a small business doesn’t mean that your business shouldn’t maintain the same professionalism as a bigger brand.

In today’s blog post, I’m sharing three easy (and completely free) ways to look more professional online today

1) Create an Email Signature 

You don’t necessarily need an email address ending in yourbusinessname.com to appear more professional; all you really need to start is an email signature. An email signature contains your basic contact information, an image of you or your logo, social media handles, and an address if applicable. This simple graphic gives a finished look to the end of your emails that not only looks professional but also puts your contact info right at your client’s fingertips. 

2) Create a Google My Business Listing 

Where do people go when looking for new services? They Google it! By creating a simple (and completely FREE!) business listing on Google, you’re helping your future clients find you much more quickly than just through social media. Your business will show up in your city, show pictures of your products and services, will allow all of those happy customers to leave reviews, and more. A Google listing is the easiest way for interested potential clients to find you and effortlessly get in touch. 

3) Include a Contact Form on Your Website 

Sure, a “DM me for more info” is quick and casual, but then you’re left sending message upon message to potential clients what information you need from them to send an accurate quote and work with them. A built-in contact form is a simple way to show potential cients exactly what project specifics you’ll need from them in order to complete the product or service to the level you both expect. It also looks very professional to potential clients and goes directly to your inbox, making it easier to keep track of all your new inquiries! 

Bonus – Create a More Professional Email 

If you don't have an email that has your business name at all, consider making a new one like businessname@gmail.com. One day you can move to a full domain name instead of Gmail, but this will still look more professional than sarahloveskittycats372@gmail.com. 

Want more advice or branding design services that are tailored to your specific business? Fill out this contact form (wink wink, nudge nudge), and I’ll be happy to talk business! 

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