Alternate Logos & Why You Need Them


I frequently hear from business owners that they want “just a logo”.

However, having more than a single logo gives brands the flexibility to achieve consistency and their desired vibes across the board all the time.

That being said, let’s dive into what we like to call alternate logos!

Alternate logos take the elements from a main logo and transform them into different arrangements to fit different needs. Some are more vertical, others more condensed, and some are just icons, text, or a horizontal version. Then the business owner gets to choose what versions work best for the scale and space they need to fill! There are no logos that are a “one size fits all”, so to avoid wasted space, content being too small, and hard to read information, we create alternate logos to fit every space and need.  

Alternate logos create the flexibility needed to create products, packaging, social media accounts, and more while maintaining the branding and style the business desires! If you’re curious to see past brands, check out our blog! And for more business tips, explore our business tips posts as well. If your business needs alternate logos for its branding, let's talk and get your brand the flexibility it not only needs, but deserves! 

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