Why Do Brand Designers Charge So Much?


Learn about the four roles designers fill that influence the cost of their design services!

The burning question I hear pretty regularly is, “Why do brand designers charge so much for their work?”

Having been a consumer before a designer myself, I absolutely understand why it’s asked so frequently. As in every single other industry, there is value behind the time and work put into the final products, but it has taken becoming a designer for me to really understand exactly why an educated logo and brand designer is so valuable! Today I’d love to share with you the value a brand designer brings to the table and educate you on why we “charge so much”. 

Honestly, most brand designers actually don’t charge enough. The term "brand designer" is more of an overarching title, we wear multiple hats and assume many roles! Here are the four main roles logo & brand designers play to help educate you on what all goes into the intensive design process: 

1) Researcher 

Believe it or not, a lot of research goes into the design process. Brand designers research your competitors, what’s been done before in similar businesses, and make sure to learn as much about your business as possible. How can we create the most ideal branding for your business if we didn’t know who your target audience is, your mission, etc.? Brand designers want to fully integrate your business into your brand so it’ll convey your brand’s mission across the board! 

2) Strategist 

Now that your brand designer has discovered who you are and what you stand for, it’s time to determine how to build a connection between you and your ideal client. Simply slapping a logo on something won’t draw those clients to your business. There’s logic and research behind every single choice your brand designer makes – from colors to icons to spacing, there is a reason for each decision. 


3) Designer 

We finally get to put on the designer hat! There is so much more that goes into branding besides a logo, so it’s important to work with a brand designer to ensure your brand is conveyed in all of the design elements. We take that research and strategy we’ve developed and work with the visual design elements until we reach that “Ah ha!” moment when your brand mission and the visual elements complement each other to strengthen your brand. This takes many hours and versions to reach that moment. Wouldn’t you rather hire a professional to take that time to make it perfect instead of doing it yourself? 

4) Educator 

Your brand has been designed specifically for you and your business – now it’s time to get the education on how to use those designs to have the greatest impact on your target clients. Your brand designer provides you with all the files you will need, so our job is to explain how to use those files and the best ways to style them together moving forward. Your brand designer even creates a style guide as a reference tool to help you reach your goals. 

That’s seriously a huge amount of work. But you know what? Brand designers love this intensive process! We work hard to create a brand you’ll love so that you can put your time towards other aspects of your business where you are the expert. Now that you have an inside look into what a brand designer does, would you say our work is worth the investment? 

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