Brand Refresh | In a Stitch



I’m excited to share with you the brand refresh I created for Katie Davis, owner and creator of In A Stitch!

Katie’s taken the time to answer some questions today about her brand and what her brand refresh experience was like. 

Emma: Tell me about your business, In A Stitch. 

Katie: I started In A Stitch in 2017 after I realized how much I love sewing and creating custom kitchen décor! My favorite item to make is aprons, but I have a lot of fun creating just about anything you can imagine for a kitchen.  

Emma: How did you know that you needed a refresh for your brand? 

Katie: I just didn’t have a cohesive feel to my business – everything was a bit all over the place, because I just couldn’t decide what look suited my business and my goals the best. I wanted a consistent look across my social media and website and packaging so that my brand would be more recognizable. 

Emma: Why did you decide to work with Mangum Design Co. for your brand refresh? 

Katie: Many reasons but the number one being that she is a fellow small business owner, so she understands what it’s like for us little guys in the creative market! Also, just in our initial consultation, she was able to significantly hone in on what my purpose was for my business and helped me narrow down the branding ideas I had into something manageable and cohesive. Plus, have you seen her branding? Everything is so beautiful and fresh! That’s what I wanted for In A Stitch. 

Emma: What elements of your brand refresh are your favorites? 

Katie: That’s a difficult one, but if I have to choose I would say the textural elements are my favorite. I use them all over the place for highlight bubbles on Instagram to page headers on my website. The different textures add variety without being too busy.  

Emma: How was your overall brand refresh experience, and would you recommend this service to your small business friends? 

Katie: 1000% yes, I would absolutely recommend you to my friends! The process was very simple on my end, and I love the results. My brand feels so fresh, and it looks very professional now. Emma worked with me every step of the way to ensure I would be happy with the results and that the changes would accurately reflect my hopes for the business! 

Emma: What tips do you have for other small businesses that are considering rebranding or giving a brand refresh to their business? 

Katie: Don’t go into it with firm expectations of what your refresh HAS to look like. Emma worked her magic and came up with something even better than I had imagined, but we couldn’t have gotten there if I was stuck on one idea without considering her professional suggestions along the way. I promise you’ll love what you’ll get with Mangum Design Co. if you trust the process! 

Do you, too, want to brand your business or give your brand a refresh? Check out the branding services page for details and to schedule your free consultation!