Three Eleven Studios Brand Reveal


I'm excited to share the brand reveal for Three Eleven Studios!

Besides having a great name, the owner Emma is sweet and passionate about photography.

After growing up seeing her grandfather record their family’s memories through video, she wanted to keep the tradition alive and capture memories for family and others! Three Eleven Studios is based in Pheonix, Arizona and was originally named Jackson Studios after her first son, however she changed the name after her second son was born and the new name is their birth months. Cute, right?! Here are Emma’s thoughts on her branding experience with Mangum Design Co. 

Tell us a bit about your business and the services you offer. 

I am a photographer in Phoenix Arizona! I specialize in families, children and birth photography! 


How did you know you wanted to work with us for branding your business?  

I had a few friends that went through you for their business branding and I loved how detailed your work was and how unique to each brand it was! 

Did you learn anything about your brand that you didn't know or realize before branding? 

I learned my brand was more than just a logo! There are so many more key elements that go into branding than just your logo! 

Was there anything that surprised you throughout the branding process? 

Probably how quickly Emma worked! The process was so smooth and easy, I thought it would be much more stressful, but Emma really takes control and listens to what you want and creates something beautiful! 


What elements of your branding are your favorite and why? 

I love the stained-glass looking logos and my color palette! It's all so beautiful. I had a picture of what I wanted in my head, and Emma definitely exceeded all my expectations! 

If someone were to ask you how your experience was working with us for branding your business, what would you say? 

That it was the best investment I could've made for my business. I feel like I truly have a business now and before it just felt like a hobby, Emma completely changed the feel of my business and took it from amateur to professional, all while keeping it me! 

What tip(s) do you have for other small businesses that are considering branding or getting a brand refresh for their business? 

Do it!! You won't regret it, Emma helps you discovers the meaning behind your brand and who you want to be, it helped me learn so much about where I want to take my business and how to do it! 

Well there you have it! I love hearing what clients have to say about their brands when we are finished. My favorite details were the stained-glass coloration in some of the files and the rich feminine energy that comes from the blue and pink palette. Other photographers in the area have desert, nude, or monochromatic color palettes so I feel like Emma’s will really stand out! 

Her brand looks refined, professional, luxurious, and high-end; paired with her confidence and expertise, Three Eleven Studios is sure to be a huge success! Check out the blog to explore other past branding clients, or schedule a FREE consultation to see if Mangum Design Co. is the source for your own custom branding.