Is It Time for a Brand Refresh?


3 things to evaluate in your business to see if your branding is working for you.

So, you’ve established a business logo, acquired clients, and been around for a bit, but when was the last time you evaluated your branding?

Do you need a brand refresh? Some brands do, while others don’t. Here are three areas to examine your branding and see if your brand is in need of a facelift:

1) Logo and Visual Branding Elements 

Do the visual elements of your brand match your style and the style of your offerings? Can you use your logo in every way that you could possibly need to? Think about using it on a website, business cards, social media, packaging, etc. Does it work? If not, it could be time to rethink your logo and the other visual branding elements. 

2) Clientele 

Are you working with the types of clients with whom you really want to work? Are you feeling joy in the projects you’re taking on for them, or do they drag on? If you aren’t feeling that passion that got you into your business in the first place, you could be attracting customers other than your target audience. A rebrand could help you really gear your marketing efforts to reach your ideal clients and start bringing in those passion projects once again! 

3) General Vibes 

Do you feel stuck, like something is just out of reach? Does something feel off or stagnant when it comes to your business? If you’re not moving forward and want a boost of positive energy to get you moving again, a fresh new brand can inspire new passion and reignite that flame.  

If any of those areas ring true for you, consider exploring a brand refresh. Your current brand could be working just fine for you, but as with anything in life, evaluation and new approaches have a way of helping you grow and find more success. If this sounds appealing or like something you’re interested in, check out our branding page or schedule a free consultation to talk about your business dreams and see how we can help! 

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