What Are Your Brand Colors Saying About You?


Check if your brand colors are attracting your ideal clients!

Your branding colors are an extremely powerful part of your visual branding, since colors can invoke different emotions and moods in your potential clients.

For instance, red can be either angry or seen as bold; yellow represents sunshine, warmth, and happiness; blue is calm and soothing or even maybe chilly. Curious what your branding colors are saying about your brand? Answer these four questions to decide if your colors are on point with your branding message!

1) What emotions or feelings do you want clients to experience when they think about you and your brand? It is critical to know how you want your clients to feel, and then present those emotions through your branding.  

2) Do the colors you utilize now accurately represent those feelings you want to convey – yes or no? If so - YAY! Good for you! If not, what feelings are coming through your branding colors instead? Feeling confusion or nothing at all can be just as ineffective for your brand as if your colors were spreading negative emotions.  

3) Let's look a little closer at those emotions in your current brand colors.  Based on your answer to question two, ask yourself one of the following: 

  1. If you answered yes to question two, are there any emotions you wish to make more prominent or stronger? If so, you’ll want to bring in more of the colors that make clients feel those feelings. Not sure how to do that or which colors will do that successfully? I can help with a free consultation

  2. If your answer to question two was no, what feelings are missing from your branding? Bring in colors that invoke those feelings you want to convey, and change up the ones that don’t. Again, if you want someone to bounce ideas off of, I am here to help

4) Do all of your branding colors feel cohesive together? Your brand should feel harmonious and balanced, otherwise the dissonance between the colors can be off-putting or confusing for customers. 

Color is a subtle and often overlooked but very powerful tool you have at your disposal as a brand. I am here to help to help you craft the perfect color palette for your brand that will resonate with your dream clients, as well as to offer one-on-one help as you build your visual branding. Interested? Schedule your free consultation and I’ll guide you! 

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