Biddle Photo & Film Brand Reveal


I’m excited to showcase the beautiful Biddle Photo & Film brand today!

This power couple in Billings, Montana specializes in both photo and video.

Alyssa is the photographer pro and creates the most romantic, dreamy, light and airy wedding memories. John started helping Alyssa out at weddings and fell in love with videography, but this was just the beginning!

Originally, John was balancing weddings on the weekends with his full time job, but in December 2021 he jumped in with both feet into video work after getting laid off. The couple had originally planned on having separate wedding photography and commercial videography businesses with a joint wedding package, but soon they realized there was plenty of overlap in the services their clients were looking for that they decided to marry their businesses together! 

Alyssa fell in love with telling brand stories as well as love stories, so now they specialize in branding and weddings with both video and photo services. This gives their clients even more options to tell their stories exactly how they want, whether at the altar or the office!  

When creating the branding for this duo, we needed the branding to span both wedding and commercial work, so we worked to find the perfect balance of clean professionalism mixed with romantic vibes. Their package included multiple logo variations, making some more clean cut while others became more feminine and softer.

In the end, we found a great combination of both for all of their logos with some flexibility depending on where they would be applied! Their main brand color blue symbolizes expertise, trust, honesty, and is relaxing. Browns and creams bring in a down-to-earth, uplifting feeling. The end result is one that is a comforting but energizing effect that appeals to a wide variety of professional and wedding clientele! 

Of course, we had their ideal client characteristics in mind through the entire design process, and that client’s biggest priority is someone who can tell their story and all of its beautiful details through videography and photography!  

Explore more of my past branding projects on the blog, or book a free consultation to see if this strategyic branding process is the right fit for you!